nashville 2012: week 8

It’s hard to believe that 2/3 of my training for Nashville is done. I really wish I could say it’s going better, but it most definitely is not. Here’s my run down of my workouts this week.

Sunday: Yoga Body Bootcamp™ + 9 mile bike ride
Monday: 3 mile run in the morning + workout A w/ 1.5 mile block sprints
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 2 mile run + workout b
Thursday: yoga
Friday: rest
Saturday: 20 mile bike ride + handstand workshop

I had a great 8 mile run two Saturday’s ago – I felt good and kept a really good-for-me pace, but something happened in between then and Monday to make my running take a turn for the worst. I’m not sure if my legs just decided not to recover at all, but they felt horrible in the morning and my shins definitely felt like they were splinting. I made it 3 of my planned 4.5 miles and gave up. I walked about a mile back home and immediately started stretching. I was feeling better during the day and was hoping that the morning was a fluke, so I decided to come home and do workout A from Best Body Bootcamp with a 5 minute cardio burst in between each set of exercises. I ran around our block three times which took under 15 minutes overall, the run felt hard but I was keeping a good pace so I figured that was why.

Because of my less-than-stellar feeling on Monday, I decided to take Tuesday as a total rest day. I was hoping to kick my crap feeling, but by Wednesday morning I was no better. I set out with a plan of covering 3 miles running (down from the 4.5 scheduled) – and made it through 2… barely. I was less than happy. That night I figured I might as well get some weights in, so Workout B was done (no cardio – and not too long of a workout).

Thursday was yoga at night. It seemed like a slower and more stretchy/twisty class so it felt really good! Followed up by another rest day on Friday.

I had decided that my body must be telling me something about running, so my scheduled 9-miler on Saturday was put on hold. I figured it would hopefully help my shins/legs to do something different, so I tool the time it would have taken me to run to take a bike ride. I figured I would plan on covering 20 miles in that time and ended up with 20.5 including a little time spent riding alongside Sister when she was tackling her first 20 mile run. I definitely underdressed on this bike ride and was FREEZING both on the ride and when I returned! My toes turned purple when I got back and got in the hot shower way too quickly – never again!

And even though my legs are feeling burnt out, my arms are fine! I signed up for a handstand workshop almost a month ago and it was finally the day for it! It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot – I’m definitely getting there with being able to balance but I’m a ways off! And since this was quite a bit of arm work (I’m actually still feeling it quite a bit today!) I decided to forego workout c, which was mostly arm work.

So what’s the plan for this week? Little to no running to see if that helps during the week, and then hopefully a Saturday run. I still have four weeks until Nashville, so this is a setback, but I’ll deal with it and hopefully come out stronger with a little rest.

nashville 2012: week 7

So I’ve kind of fallen off the blogging planet lately… I just haven’t been feeling into it and why do it if I’m not truly enjoying it, right? Well, at least I’ve been enjoying my workouts, even though they’re kicking my butt ;).

Sunday: Yoga Body Bootcamp™ + 9 mile bike ride
Monday: 4.5 mile run + workout A
Tuesday: workout B
Wednesday: 4.5 mile run + 2 mile walk
Thursday: 108 sun salutations
Friday: REST!
Saturday: 8 mile run + 3 mile bike ride + workout C

The weather this past week has been GORGEOUS. The temps have been between the 70’s and 80’s and the sunlight is finally out for longer since it is officially Spring!

Sunday was probably the best day all week and after my disappointing 10k the day before, I needed a hard workout. I ended up biking to Yoga Body Bootcamp – which was exactly 9 miles round trip. The bike there and back were both so nice and sunny and I could just zone out listening to my iPod (the roads are fairly quiet so I don’t have to worry about too much traffic on my route). So much better than driving! Definitely have to figure out a good way of biking to work instead of driving ;).

My runs both went well. Kept them both at a pretty good pace and was definitely sweaty when I returned!

Workouts A, B and C were awesome from Best Body Bootcamp – it’s the third week, so it was a new set of exercises. Definitely tough, but I loved it!

Thursday’s Yoga was 108 Sun Salutations. We only do this class at the change of every season and since Tuesday was the first day of Spring, it was time! I think this was also the first time after this class I had zero soreness – usually my hamstrings are killing me from all of the sun a’s.

I was going to do workout C on Friday, but I ended up taking an entire rest day instead. Good choice!

Saturday started out with an 8 mile run with Sister. It was the last 8 of her 18 mile run. I ended up finishing this 8 mile run one second longer than it took for my last 7 mile run in hilly Seattle – kind of funny :). When we got back Sister wanted an ice bath but she had forgotten to get ice, so I decided to spin out my legs and bike to the gas station to get some. My workouts for the day finished with workout C and some stretching. The rest of the day was spent driving up to see my friend and seeing HUNGER GAMES! Love love loved it! A perfect Saturday!

nashville 2012: week 6

Holy cow, my Nashville training is officially half over. Where does the time go?!

Sunday: Yoga Body Bootcamp™
Monday: 4 mile run + workout A
Tuesday: Yoga Master Class
Wednesday: 4 mile run + workout B
Thursday: workout C + yoga
Friday: REST!
Saturday: Shamrock Shuffle 10k

This week can be summed up in one word. SWEATY. I don’t think I have ever had a sweatier week, and it is all thanks to three very sweaty yoga sessions, and weather that is super unseasonably warm. I’m currently typing this wearing shorts and a t-shirt… it’s March 18th. My body is not used to this!

Anyways, yoga was wonderful this week. Tuesday’s Master Class was so sweaty and we did a lot of fun poses that I had never done before – so twisty and balancey – definitely a nice change from the usual flow!

My 4 mile runs were the first weekly runs with my new Garmin. Being more aware of my pace has definitely helped me push myself, and realize my two natural paces are either 10 minutes per mile, or 11:30. My recent runs have been around the 11:30 pace and feeling sluggish, but I was able to finish these both closer to 10 and feel the same, if not better, than I had with the slower pace. It is feeling much better to push myself on my training runs rather than lug along!

Workouts A, B & C for the Best Body Bootcamp were very similar to the first week of workouts, but upped with the intensity and reps – it was awesome! I am already feeling stronger and week 3 and 4 look killer, it should be fantastic ;). Definitely the push I need to get in a weight training routine!

My Saturday race… well, that didn’t go too well but I’ll write more about it in a separate race recap post.

Six weeks down – six weeks to go! Now time to go set out some shorts for my run tomorrow morning… ;).

nashville 2012: week 4

Another week is done! Week 4 is complete and that means there are only 8 more weeks to go! In a way it seems like I’ve been training longer than that because I really only had 3-4 weeks off in between training plans. Fine by me as I love having something to work toward and a set plan of what to do each day… even if I deviate a little ;).

Sunday: Yoga Body Bootcamp™
Monday: 3.5m run + Insanity Max Cardio Recovery
Tuesday: Nothing – whoops! Extra rest day.
Wednesday: 3.5m run + stretching
Thursday: Power Vinyasa
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 7m run

Still loving Yoga Body Bootcamp each week. I didn’t think it was that hard when we were going through the circuits, but then I got home and could only remember one song that played… I guess that means it was harder than I thought since I must have been concentrating really hard on the moves?

My Monday morning run was cold and WINDY! Kind of awful, but I did it! That night I joined Sister in the Max Cardio Recovery DVD. Even though the recovery DVDs don’t go as fast, it is nice to stretch out for 40-50 minutes!

Tuesday I was going to go ice skating with a friend… but then the weather started sleeting so those plans were cancelled and I just headed home after work. I should have done some cross training, but I just wasn’t feeling up to it so I decided to pass for a day – no harm in that!

Wednesday morning weather was crappy again. It was cold and rainy, so my bed was a much better place to be! I decided to hold off my run until the afternoon to see if the weather got any better. I haven’t run in the afternoon in forever, but I figured I could do it :). I packed rice cakes + peanut butter for an afternoon snack since I know I’m okay to run after that and then changed and headed out right away. The weather was still not that nice – very windy and a little sleety, but it was at least bright out!

Thursday yoga – a very busy class, probably because of all the Grouponers! A big class means HOT and sweaty! And even though yoga is not supposed to be competitive, I love when there are newbies and less experienced yogis in the class because I can appreciate how much my own practice has grown so much more. The crazy looks the “experienced” folks get is hilarious when we’re not afraid of doing (or at least trying) ridiculous moves and shooting up in to headstand in the middle of the room. I definitely gave those looks when I first started – and still do to the even more experienced people in my classes! I can’t wait until I can master even more crazy moves… ;).

Friday rest – so nice! And then Saturday was my first 7 miler run of this training plan! I actually don’t remember a whole lot of this run… I really should write my recaps closer to the actual run haha. It snowed quite a bit on Friday so I wasn’t sure what the roads/sidewalks would be like. I was thinking of possibly doing loops depending on what had been plowed, but it actually didn’t end up being that bad at all so I just went out 3 1/2 miles, and then came back. The best kind of runs!

It was a slow one – but really, who cares besides me? No one! And a mile is still a mile, no matter how slow – oh Pinterest quotes, they’re the best ;). And as long as I make it to the end, that’s all that really matters. Overall the week went well, and this week I will be incorporating more weights as the Best Body Bootcamp starts TODAY! Happy Monday!

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

nashville 2012: week 3

The end of this week marks the end of the first quarter of my training plan! After my not-so-fun 6 miler last week, my calves were a bit sore. Obviously when I’m mentally struggling through a run, my form must change and thus impact my next run or two… Or maybe it was just the super challenging but awesome Yoga Body Bootcamp™ this week?! Here were my workouts last week.

Sunday: Yoga Body Bootcamp™
Monday: 3.5m run + ~.5m walk and Cardio/Strength Workout
Tuesday: Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance
Wednesday: 3.5m run and a Medicine Ball Circuit Workout
Thursday: Power Vinyasa Podcast Party!
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6m run

The routine at Yoga Body Bootcamp™ this week kicked my butt! I am so addicted to this class now I look forward to it every week and am never disappointed. I always leave the class so incredibly detoxed and relaxes – it’s a fabulous way to start a Sunday!

I chickened out on my weekly runs this week. My training plan had said 3.5m run + 1m walk, but it was too cold that I didn’t end up walking the full mile at the end – plus I hadn’t mentally realized that running a 1/2 mile extra would take more time in the morning and my bed has been too cosy so getting myself up to leave was a challenge in and of itself ;).

Insanity was good – I’m still enjoying the change of pace it provides and am super stoked for Insanity Asylum! I’m glad sister is more obsessed with Insanity than I am so when I told her about this she instantly bought it… even if it won’t be used seriously for a few more months haha.

One thing I changed up this week was adding more strength training exercises in the mix. I am really bad at sticking with any sort of strength training routine and it often ends up falling to the wayside… but that all changes now as I have signed up for Tina Reale’s Best Body Bootcamp! I’ve obviously got a thing for bootcamps lately :).

The bootcamp starts on March 5th (last day to sign up is March 4th) and it sounds like it’ll be amazing. The cost is only $25… half the price of a gym membership for a month and it’s 8 full weeks of workouts! The cardio is only suggested, so I will be mostly doing it for the strength workouts and keep up with the running. I’m very excited to get the workouts this week, not to mention all of the giveaways she’s offering over the course of the bootcamp! (I’m secretly hoping I win Physique 57, Love Grown Foods granola or the Sparkly Soul Headbands… but I’m not picky 😉 ).

I usually don’t write about my Thursday night yoga classes, but we did something different this week that was great! The regular teacher wasn’t there, and the sub (and teacher of Yoga Body Bootcamp) was sick so she asked if we would be interested in doing a little podcast party instead of her teaching the class. None of us minded one bit, so we did an 80 minute Live Love Teach Podcast and it was a really nice change of pace. It was taught by three different master teachers who run the Live Love Teach yoga teaching program. I’m not a fan of yoga DVDs because I find them too staged and slow moving… definitely not the same with podcasts! It was recorded at a real yoga class and you can definitely tell the difference! My favorite part was the 5+ minute frog… it hurt so much I wanted to cry by the end of it, but my hips haven’t felt so good in ages!

Now finally on to the long run! Yikes, I’m long winded with my other workouts today ;). My second six miler was SO MUCH BETTER than last week! I think my conscious effort of being positive about this run made me enjoy it rather than wishing for it to be over. My new kicks might have had something to do with it too?! I got to wear these on Wednesday + Saturday and am in love. Zero muscle aches from changing shoes and zero blisters – always a good sign!

yoga body bootcamp + recovery

I went to my first Yoga Body Bootcamp™ class at my yoga studio yesterday and it was insane! This was the first time they’ve offered it in their regular weekly lineup and I’m glad that it’s on the schedule every week! They had one actual bootcamp class following the yoga body bootcamp “routine” the morning of my Disney 1/2 marathon and I was disappointed I couldn’t go then. At least had a good reason for not being there, but I still felt like I missed out ;).

Well I definitely didn’t miss out today, and the class did not disappoint! It was an hour long class, broken up with a 10 minute warm up, 32 minutes of 8 interval stations (listed below), a couple minute cool down, another station and then finally 10-15 minutes of stretching and shavasana. Here are the 8 interval stations (in the order I did them). Each station was done for 45 seconds, and then we had a 15 second “cool down”/move to the next station.

1. Sumo squats (jumping/squatting with wide legs)
2. Eggrolls (rocking back and forth on your back with your elbows and knees touching)
3. Monkey jumps/Walking planks (alternated every round, so two total monkey jumps and two walking planks)
4. Pushups/planking while moving on and off of yoga blocks
5. Four square jumps (clockwise + counterclockwise)
6. Oblique leg kicks (alternating left and right)
7. Back extensions
8. Tricep dips (on a bench)

And the final station was with a partner. One person was doing a minute plank on the bottom, and the person on top was doing pushups with her legs on the back of the other partner. Partners then switched and did the other exercise. I think this might have been the toughest because my arms/shoulders were already tired from the walking planks and moving pushups!

Needless to say, I was WIPED! I walked outside with just my tank top on and didn’t want to put on my sweatshirt for the drive home, but figured I should put on some sort of sweat-barrier so the seat in the car didn’t get too much on it. Probably a good choice because by the time I got home I had sweated through even that! But I guess when you’re in a 96* room, that’ll happen after this ass-kicking workout. I loved it. And I will be returning. Maybe every week. I’m so so so glad it fits perfectly in my new Nashville 1/2 marathon training plan!

I was craving something hydrating and fruity when I got home so I threw together the following ingredients in the vitamix. It ended up being delicious and almost like an Orange Julius! Will definitely be making this again!

Hydrating/Energizing Orange Smoothie

  • 3 chunks frozen banana
  • 1 pack tangerine emergen-c (or whatever flavor you like best)
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • ~3 ice cubes

1. Place all in the blender and blend away.

I was skeptical at first about this combo, with the fizzy emergen-c and milk, but the fizziness went away with the blender and it was very similar to an orange creamsicle. Yummm. I basically spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch watching Crazy, Stupid, Love and Dirty Dancing – a fantastic way to end the weekend!