nashville 2012 training plan

I really can’t believe I’ll be starting to train for the Nashville Rock n’ Roll 1/2 marathon tomorrow! The past month since the Disney 1/2 flew by and I am ready to start another training plan! I took “off” the last few weeks from any structured training or workout plan. My legs hurt pretty bad after Disney so it took a week or so to get back to it with running. I continued to walk that week to shake out my legs and eventually got up to a very slow running speed haha. I kept the first few runs at just a 2 mile distance and gradually increased to alternating 5k’s and 4 mile runs to get me back to a good starting point for the next training plan.

I ended up really enjoying my training plan for the Disney 1/2, adapted from Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 Program. I based the below training plan off of that for the most part, but made a few alterations and improvements from the last time around, as well as incorporated the one 10k (Shamrock Shuffle in March!) I am signed up to race. One of the biggest changes is switching from running Monday, Thursday, Saturday to Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. I ended up running and going to yoga every Thursday and it wore me out, so I figured that was an easy change – plus I never got into good cross training system for Wednesdays (aka cheaped out by not joining a gym) so I never quite knew what to do. Sunday workouts got more defined this time around – I’ll either do an Insanity DVD at home or go to a new Yoga Body Bootcamp at my yoga studio. I’m guessing I’ll love the Yoga Body Bootcamp (YBB for short on the plan), but it doesn’t start until this coming Sunday so I won’t know for sure until then haha. Any day I miss the class (or don’t feel like paying for a class), I’ll do a random Insanity at home.


*I am not a trained or licensed professional. This plan was created by me for my own personal use. Consult with a trained professional and/or doctor before beginning a training plan if you are unsure of your abilities.

2012 plans

I have never made a resolution, or had any real goals for the year ahead. Sure, two years ago I was looking forward to studying abroad in London for a semester and last year I was gearing up for my last semester at college before graduating. This year seems somewhat dull in comparison starting out, but it is also the first year in awhile that I kind of know what to expect. I have a stable job that I have no plans to leave, and no major life changes are expected. Here are a few things I am hoping to do/complete during 2012!

1. Run my first 1/2 marathon (less than a week away!)

2. Go to Disney World (another one coming very soon!)

3. Buy the iPad 3 (this NEEDS to come out this year and I will be one of the first to buy one since I have been waiting for many months)

4. Make French Macaroons

5. Stay a night in 7 states other than WI (this was going to be just go to 5 states, but I think that’s a little too easy with some of this year’s plans)

6. Drive to Nashville

7. Run my 2nd 1/2 Marathon (Nashville Rock n’ Roll)

8. Start lifting weights consistently!

9. Get a PR for a 5k

10. Run a 10k in under 1 hour

11. Get my first iPhone

12. Stop drinking soda for good… Butterbeer doesn’t count 🙂

13. This sounds weird… but I need to stop chewing ice. I have a bad habit of chewing ice in my drinks and I should really save my teeth from this… Maybe I’ll start ordering my drinks “no ice”?!

14. Start abiding by my budget and only buying things I had planned for/need (and iPad and iPhone have been planned in my mind for years… so these are exempt from this plan!)

15. Read 4 new books – not a very lofty number, but some things need to be easily attainable haha

16. Start using more features on the DSLR – usually I just turn it on and shoot…

I’m sure many more plans will end up coming up in 2012, but as of January 1st this is the list!